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membuka lowongan untuk ditempatkan di perusahaannya di kota . Untuk itu, kami menulis artikel Lowongan Kerja Pt Pertamina September 2014 Pt Jendra Putra ini untuk membantu sobat yang sedang membutuhkan.
Lowongan Kerja Pt Pertamina September 2014 Pt Jendra Putra

PT JENDRA PUTRA is part of Duta Group which is based on Balikpapan, Kalimantan Timur, consist of three companies which are Duta Bahtera Line as Pertamina Mobile Bunker Agent, ship operator and national shipping company, Galangan Kalimas focuses on shipyard for repairs and newbuildings and PT Jendra Putra is heavy equipment rental also Niaga Umum BBM Industri which focuses on high speed diesel (HSD) and marine fuel oil (MFO) trading (import) and supplier to mining, oil & gas and industry in Indonesia generally and specifically Kalimantan Timur. We invite highly qualified professionals to apply for the following position:
Qualification :
Female max.30 years old
Min. Qualification, Bachelor Degree (S1) in Secretary, Management or related major.
GPA Min. 3.0
Working experience at least 3 years in Secretary or related field.
Responsibilities & Duties:
Secretarial and Administrative duties
Maintaining filling system
Organized and Coordinating meeting, travel arrangement and conference
Maintaining Schedule
Take, type and distribute minutes of meeting
Provide trainings, supports, assistance and motivation to new and existing team member.
Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
Ability to communicate in English fluently both oral & written
Attractive Good Looking, Highly self- motivated
Discipline, Responsible & Good Attitude
Able to work under pressure
Ability to screen & summarize information into useful data & make Minutes of Meeting.
Ability to meet deadline and help director to follow up task list from Minutes of Meeting.
Skill in performing detailed and complex numerical computations and reports and high accuracy in calculation.
Strong attention to detail and excellent documentation skills and competence in Ms.Office
Ability to handle multiple conflicting deadlines and function effectively in a fast paced work environment.
Has positive attitude, personality, discipline, High Responsibility, hard working & high enthusiasm towards work.
Has excellent written, verbal communication skill, interpersonal skill & Learn fast.
Willing to be placed in Jakarta Selatan
Please send your Complete Curriculum Vitae, Application Letter, Academic Transcript and Recent Photograph to:
Cc :
Address: PT Jendra Putra
Jl.Sultan Iskandar Muda, Gandaria 8 Tower, Suite 15 D
Jakarta Selatan 12240
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Demikian Informasi Loker di pada yang bisa saya sampaikan, Semoga Lowongan Kerja Pt Pertamina September 2014 Pt Jendra Putra tahun 2014 ini bisa menjadi awal Kalian bekerja di Indonesia. Amiin
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